Okay, you’ve surfed the web, read all you can about the health issue you are researching and now you know not only what options are available but also, what options that you are going to choose.
Now what?
You only get a certain amount of time allotted to you during office hours for face-time consultations with your physician. Brining out your stack of printouts from your computer bearing the fruits of your search will only elicit a loud groan. But, it doesn’t have to be this way. Send the articles and inks to your doctor before your visit. If you give your physician time to read the article that you want to discuss and have the doctor integrate knowledge and experience into the article, you will be met with a more effective discussion, not to mention avoidance of resistance or reluctance.
Bearing Someone else’s agenda?
It is conceivable that the information that you have gotten really excited about and gotten solutions to the problems that you have struggled with, is really no more than a pathway that a pharmaceutical company has lead you to. Look at where the information came from. Consider the following questions:
- Who wrote the article?
- What were the credentials of the writer?
- Did the writer have a personal agenda?
- Was the writer affiliated in any way to the company that manufactures the therapies discussed in the articles?
- Was the article sponsored by a pharmaceutical company or a medical device company?
- Who paid for the study cited? Was the number of subjects in the study statistically significant?
- How current or recent was the article published?
- Is there a contact number or address that designates where the article really originated?
Advertorials can appear to be breakthrough scientific discoveries- when it achieves this, it has done it’s job. Commercial advertisers and pharmaceutical agents can be very slick and deceiving.
If your doctor tells you that the solution you brought to the office is not accurate or appropriate for you, have a discussion as to why that may be.
In the end, the increased knowledge will make you a more educated patient and a better person.
Who knows? You may have uncovered just the key to getting healthy again!
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See you at the next post!