As a doctor, you are providing information countless times a day to your patients- often the same information to the same questions. Now, just think if you had to do it only once online!
Providing information is content and printing it online for others to see as in blog posts and article publishing is in essence content marketing. The benefits include establishing yourself as an authority in your field, strengthening your brand, growing your practice and thereby increasing your revenue, boosting your website ranking on search engines and making relationships with others on social media sites.
Studies show that images are viewed and shared more than the written word alone. Consider video production with placement on YouTube. Engage your audience and let your personality show through in both your videos and blog posts. Don’t depend on others finding your posts by luck though. Let everyone on your social media sites know about your entries. Consider Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
” A new infographic from looks at all the data behind content marketing and why businesses big and small should do it. 85% of all marketers already are!”
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Additional tip: Use .Com: 84% of top ranking web pages in the search results come from websites on a .com domain. Using .net, .usa, .me is not found typically when people do searches.