Welcome to Marketing Tips for Doctors with Dr. Barbara Hales! This podcast is for you if you are a doctor, dentist, integrated health physician, chiropractor, or any other type of health provider. Learn how to free up your time, earn 5-star ratings, and learn marketing secrets that have been proven to work on this show with Barbara and her guests. As medical pros, you have to market yourself to be successful. Listen and hear more about how Barbara created her proven marketing system for her thriving private practice. Master the marketing techniques to attract ideal patients, develop a stronger rapport, grow your practice and boost your rankings!  

“Hope is not a strategy. I needed to market myself, both online and offline. That’s when my career and practice took off!” —  Barbara Hales


001 Welcome to the Marketing Tips for Doctors Podcast!

Dr. Barbara Hales:      Welcome to Marketing Tips for Doctors. I’m your host, Dr. Barbara Hales, and pretty excited to be bringing you this first episode. If you’re a doctor, dentist, integrative health physician, chiropractor, or hospital health provider, this podcast’s for you. You’ll discover the secrets to ranking number one in searches, how to free up your time while educating patients and building rapport so that you get a five-star rating again and again.

Every week, I’ll pull back the curtains and take you behind the scenes to share marketing secrets that work for doctors and health professionals. I’ll be bringing you interviews with experts who take businesses to the next level and help you make your mark in the health world, stories that brought me success and the struggles that I endured along the way so that you don’t have to.

Let me tell you a bit about myself. Like you, I worked hard in medical school and residency training, working countless nights with emotional ups and downs. After graduating and getting a medical license, it was time to open a private practice. I wanted to own my own business so that I could take care of patients on a personal level. Remember feeling that way? Launching a private medical practice is no walk in the park. The thing is, when the doors opened, there were no patients. It was a decorated space, knowledge from training, and confidence. Naive as that might’ve been. I was nervous. How would I meet payments for the bills piling up for rent, staff salaries, and insurance?

The turning point for me is when I realized that I couldn’t just sit around and hope that patients would walk through my door, because that doesn’t really work and hope is not a strategy. I couldn’t just sit there. I needed to market myself both online and offline. That’s when my career and practice took off.

I spent countless intimate moments with patients in women’s health, sharing joys, losses, and heartaches along with life’s milestones throughout the years. You see, unlike most marketers, I’m just like you. I struggled to get noticed and get patients like you do, but I figured it out. I went from a struggling physician starting out and wondering where my next patient was coming from, to being successful with 10,000 active patients. I have a system that works, proven again and again. I want to share it with you because your message makes a difference, an impact on the world and in your community.

You know, it wasn’t that many years ago that promoting yourself as a physician was deemed unethical, but times certainly have changed, and your medical pros really have to promote themselves to be successful.

The fact is, eight out of 10 people go online to research a doctor before they even make an appointment, even if they get a direct referral. If you have no website or one that lands on page 12 of the search engines, you won’t even exist to patients. Doctors who don’t market themselves know that they should be doing it, but lack the time. They’re burnt out from having the new system dictate their income as their expenses spiral out of control. Meanwhile, they’re missing out on family time to a profession that is becoming void of one-to-one connections. But, the relationships doctors want with their patients can and should start long before their patient arrives at the office. In fact, starting the relationship earlier through marketing strategies will allow them to attract the types of patients they want to see, not just the ones who align with a particular insurance.

I can help you master the marketing techniques to attract ideal patients, develop a stronger rapport, grow your practice, and boost your rankings. You’re going to get a ton of information here, with actionable steps that you can implement right away. Got questions? Leave them in the comment box and I promise to answer them for you.

Thanks for making me a part of your success team. Let’s impact lives, add value, and make more money. Please give this podcast a rating and comment on it. Want immediate help off the bat? Sure, get your free consultation at themedicalstrategist.com/contact. Speak to you then.


Connect with Barbara Hales: 

Twitter:   @DrBarbaraHales

Facebook:   www.facebook.com/theMedicalStrategist

Business website:http://www.TheMedicalStrategist.com

Show website:   MarketingTipsForDoctors.com

Email:   Barbara@TheMedicalStrategist 

Book: all on Amazon

  • Content Copy Made Easy
  • 14 Tactics to Triple Sales
  • Power to the Patient: The Medical Strategist

YouTube: TheMedicalStrategist

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/barbarahales