Online games supply great captivating interactive experiences. Considering this, games structured to stimulate health behavior modification can lead to significant improvement in health.
Leading the forefront of video and digital health games is Health Games Research,funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Pioneer Portfolio. The mission of Health Games Research, which is an 8.25 million dollar national program, is to advance health games and health game technology for the effectiveness of health improvement.
This program also collaborates to promote research publications, generic ventolin aerosol scientific leadership and advocacy. Recent studies demonstrate that health games designed for behavioral health buy cymbalta online has not only had a powerful influence on outcomes like:
- Smoking cessation
- Medication adherence
- Diabetes management
- High Blood Pressure management
- Improved eating patterns
- Adherence to exercise programs
- Enhanced physical activity
but also have growing possibilities for many more applications for health in this growing health game format.
Games can be designed to support healthy behavior modification, motivate patients to maintain treatments and promote healthy lifestyles.
Bring Your game on!