The telehealth, health marketing Daily
Digital Health Market – Growing Demand for Healthcare Technology | – Digital health is technology-enabled care that involves the convergence of digital media, health technology, and mobile devices. It is designed to help patients, care givers, and healthcare profess…
Análisis del mercado de la salud desde la Teoría de la Organización Industrial – A álisis del ercado de la salud desde la Teoría de la Orga izació I dustrial Mg. Dr. Sergio Del Prete – Profesor Titular Análisis de Mercados de Salud. Universidad ISALUD Introducción: ¿Que es la…
Most Wired Hospitals Spending on Cybersecurity, Telehealth and Population Health –
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JMRConnect – Investing information technology dollars in telehealth and mobile platforms, patient engagement, and cybersecurity are major focuses for leading IT-savvy hospitals in America, according to the 2016…
Azalea Health gets $10.5M for rural-focused, mobile-enabled EHRs, telehealth, patient tools
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Health News HQ
Health News HQ
Rhode Island’s New Law Requires Health Plans Cover Telemedicine Services
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National Law Review
National Law Review