Nowadays, patients complain that they see more of the top of the doctor’s head as the doctor is busy staring at the computer screen and entering data into the EHR, than looking into the eyes of the patient and concentrating on what the patient has to say. A major human connection is lost.
The thing is, patient satisfaction comes from the perception that one is getting respect and validation of thoughts and feelings.

While it is true that a medical practice is under time constraints, getting follow up calls from the physician’s office goes a long way. Doing so, ensures compliance with care that prescriptions were filled properly with comprehension as to how to take them and making sure that follow up appointments are made. This works not only to insure patient satisfaction but for good medical care as well.
In Micah Solomon’s Forbes article listing Nine Patient Experience And Satisfaction Secrets For Hospitals And Healthcare. “Cues to indifference are everywhere,” “it’s where much of patient dissatisfaction live.”
“Patients ignored by nurses who haven’t yet clocked in and therefore don’t realize they are already (poorly) representing their institution. Doctors in the hallway loudly carrying on about the relative benefits of different Canyon Ranch vacations they’ve taken. Vending machines that are left out of service indefinitely. Vending machines that require exact change, but there’s no change machine.”Nobody said it would be easy, and the consequences—financial and otherwise—are well known. What’s not as well known is the fact that indifference or a feeling of lack of respect are satisfaction killers. More than anything else, they cause patients to change providers…about 70 percent of the time.What has your experience been and what have you implemented in your practice to insure not only loyalty to the doctor but patient satisfaction as well? Share your thoughts in the comment box below.