There has been a lot written lately about social media, patient portals and patient engagement.  With meaningful use criteria including the ability to interact with patients online, healthcare providers and doctors have been seeking new interactive avenues which includes various social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.  However, the most effective tool for spreading your message may have been at your fingertips all along- your newsletters and email marketing.

Email beats Facebook for getting patients and service purchases

According to a  recent survey by AW Pro Tools of 1,500 consumers nationwide, one-third of respondents across all incomes were influenced by digital marketing tools when making online purchases. 13.8% said email influenced them, while 13.5% said Facebook did. Both those channels beat YouTube (3.5%) and Twitter (1.9%).

This is important news you can implement for your own business when deciding where to allocate your time and marketing dollars.

“The winning strategies for entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 companies alike is to attract a base of raving fans that open, read, and click on the emails you send,” says Jack Born, CEO of AW Pro Tools. “Without a well thought-out email strategy, money spent on any advertising is going to be much less effective, especially if you want to attract high-income clients.”

Email marketing and newsletters is one of the best ways to keep in touch with your patients and clients, informing them about what is new in the practice, as well as attracting new ones.

Need help with your email marketing?  Contact for a free consultation.  Speak to you soon!