Heaven recalled one of its angels March 10th.
John Stuart Hales, M.D. touched many lives with his humor, empathy and presence. He saved many lives or made them better- including mine.
Plato describes the separation of primitive double-creatures into modern men and women and their subsequent search for their missing half: “… when one… is fortunate enough to meet his other half, they are both so intoxicated with affection, with friendship, and with love, that they cannot bear to let each other out of sight for a single instant.” There is an “unspoken understanding of one another, that they feel unified and would know no greater joy than that.
In Yiddish, the word is Bashert meaning “destiny”, one’s divinely foreordained spouse or soulmate. It is that person who will complement them perfectly and whom they will complement perfectly.
“For the intense yearning which each of them has towards the other does not appear to be the desire of lover’s intercourse, but of something else which the soul of either evidently desires and cannot tell.”
So, it was with my sweetheart and myself. He made me a better person. He made me want to stretch my wings and experience life in a better way. And we did…as one!
I’m grateful for the time we had together and know that we shall meet again one day.