Preventive Healthcare May Be Prevented The Medical Strategist2010-10-25T07:12:34+00:00 The article below hints at the healthcare rationing to follow. How Government Micromanagement Could Preventive Healthcare May Be PreventedThe Medical Strategist2010-10-25T07:12:34+00:00
The Best Breast Cancer Screening The Medical Strategist2009-11-29T17:08:08+00:00 Physicians and patients alike are in a quandary as to which is the best The Best Breast Cancer ScreeningThe Medical Strategist2009-11-29T17:08:08+00:00
Healthcare Rationing vs. Sensible Approach: Embarking on a Perilous Journey The Medical Strategist2009-11-24T20:53:11+00:00 Healthcare reform has now become entangled in the latest controversy over whether affordable healthcare Healthcare Rationing vs. Sensible Approach: Embarking on a Perilous JourneyThe Medical Strategist2009-11-24T20:53:11+00:00