Is Your health Information protected on your doctor’s mobile device? The Medical Strategist2012-12-13T15:20:31+00:00 How Do Health Care Organizations Protect Patient Data on Clinicians' Mobile Devices? Fifty-two Is Your health Information protected on your doctor’s mobile device?The Medical Strategist2012-12-13T15:20:31+00:00
Medical Strategist Let’s You In On New Bill The Medical Strategist2012-10-04T07:57:36+00:00 Mike Honda, the Democratic representative from California, plans to propose a bill establishing a Medical Strategist Let’s You In On New BillThe Medical Strategist2012-10-04T07:57:36+00:00
Banned Cell Phones Now the Desired Method of Communication for Health The Medical Strategist2012-05-16T04:23:19+00:00 It doesn't seem that long ago when cell phone usage was banned from hospital Banned Cell Phones Now the Desired Method of Communication for HealthThe Medical Strategist2012-05-16T04:23:19+00:00