10 Easy Speaking Steps for the Busy Physician
The Medical Strategist2016-09-29T08:08:38+00:00As physicians, we are often called upon to give talks, many times without much
As physicians, we are often called upon to give talks, many times without much
People do business with those that they "know, like and trust". It is the
Government recognizing the value of Telehealth--Federal and state policy is evolving to support it
The new Meaningful Use Rule states that at least 5% of your patient population
Hopefully at this point, you are using social media to interact with your viewers
Patient testimonials are great resources for your medical practice. When patients write a glowing
Today I am sharing a blog post from VDO360.com which I think you will
The headline in the London Times this past week states “NHS crisis deepens as
This is a question that was associated with Mayor Koch from New York as
The telehealth, health marketing Daily Digital Health Market - Growing Demand for Healthcare Technology