Are you in Jeopardy of HIPAA Violations? Do you even know it?
The Medical Strategist2018-11-01T06:43:32+00:00If you are still using your fax for transfer of health data, is it
If you are still using your fax for transfer of health data, is it
The key to effective communication online and social media for the health professional community
Content marketing will help boost your search engine rankings so that potential patients can
Back on June 27th of this year, The medical strategist posted on how to
GDPR-The General Data Protection Regulation went into effect May 25, 2018. The purpose
Question: Just how does one Snare Viewers? Answer: By Using Interactive Content Question: How
Why should you care about being branded an authority? After all, as a physician,
Content - YOUR content - provides an opportunity to impact others as a thought
There is an old joke that says copying many articles is research but copying
The tip today is: How to Write Blog Posts that People actually Want to