As of March 1 of this year, Medicare payments to physicians are being slashed 21%. How physicians can survive on these cuts to their reimbursement and still see Medicare patients (and meet their expenses) has not been addressed.
Instead, Congress proposes forming a Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMI) to transition delivery-system changes. The CMI would be delegated to testing creative payment and service-delivery models aimed at reducing Medicare and Medicaid expenditures while improving the quality of care. Electronic medical records with exchange of data and interoperability will play a key role.
In this proposal, innovation to healthcare delivery is encouraged by uncoupling the link between service online pharmacy uk ventolin volume and provider revenue.
This may sound great to the public, but what about the physician? Is he supposed to slave away in his office without reimbursement because it is for “the good of the public” or because it will effect national healthcare spending in the long run?
What about the physicians in the short run? Will there be physicians that survive in private practice for the long haul or is this a governmental technique to phase out a way that you can consult privately with your doctor?
Again, a national health insurance coverage to see physicians will be useless if there are no physicians to see!