Perhaps you have heard that Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth of Federal District Court of the Washington D.C. has put the brakes on stem cell aid? Many thought that after President Obama gave the nod in 2009 for stem cell research expansion, that it was a “done- deal”. Apparently not.
The judge has objected in his temporary injunction that federal policy should return to the “status quo”, though few know what that actually is. Mr. Lamberth objects to the use of frozen embryos for research.
Scientists are unsure whether the ruling is limited to the use of government funds but that research may continue if funded privately. Others wonder if the ruling specifies the cessation of research.
With all the controversy surrounding stem cells you may have missed hearing about many of the health benefits or that it currently has many uses for treating serious diseases. In addition, stem cells may be used for tissue replacement. Tragically, many people die today while waiting for organ or tissue transplants.
Ailments that Stem Cells have been shown to help:
- Parkinson’s disease
- Type I diabetes
- Arthritis
- Burn victims
- Cardiovascular diseases