We all hear about the latest and the “new best” way to market for new patients. The list starts with emails, digital messages, social media with fan pages, tweets, and webTV.
Yet, there is still a segment of the population that does not rely on the computer. How are you going to reach them? The most successful way is still the referrals from family and friends who are very happy with your services. But, there are other ways.
Let’s not forget the tried and true methods that seem to have fallen by the wayside:
- Sign up to participate in the local buy cheap ventolin inhalers health fair. Disseminate information while giving free blood pressure readings or screenings in something pertaining to your specialty. It will feel good to get out into the community.
- Give a free lecture to the community at your local public library (yes, people still go there)
- Write a newsletter that the people in the community and patients can read. You would be amazed at how many of these circulate around. One is dropped and picked up by another.
It’s not easy these days but with a little ingenuity, thinking up new and creative ways can actually be fun!