Do you ever say, “Wow, I meant to contact my friend…I can’t believe a whole year has gone by”?
Do you wish someone a happy birthday or congratulations on a new job through LinkedIn and then discover that the only communication you had was when you wished them happy birthday a year ago?
How about when you liked connections on a Facebook page and thought they were inspirational with a lot of wisdom to impart but somehow never got back to their site?
What about Twitter connections? What about your Instagram friends who made you laugh or cry through videos and chats?
It occurred to me that I don’t know you as well as I would like. It occurred to me that I have a lot to learn from you.

So, I am making a New Year’s resolution that I’ve never made before. It’s not about me. It’s not to get thinner, leaner, richer, happier, more secure. It’s about YOU!
This year I want to dig deeper and get to know you…really know you. It will take time, it might meet with resistance (so help me out a bit please), it might be a yearlong commitment.
My resolution is to “befriend my friends”, to make my “social media” friends social and to know the person behind the video camera.

So many New Year’s resolutions go by the wayside when February comes. Any gym owner will confirm this. But I am firm on this one. Will you help make my resolution a reality?
For those of you who got a connection from me or a birthday wish, reach out today. Send me a comment through social media, share a joke or insight in the comment box below, or better yet, hit the contact button on and tell me more about yourself.