With patients complaining that they have less and less face time with their physicians and conversations between themselves and doctors have dwindled, it is increasingly more important to offer channels of communications with patients. This is the function of content marketing- connecting, informing and engaging patients with you, the physician and health professional.

By producing and sharing valuable, engaging and relevant content to your target audience, content marketing boosts the acquisition of new patients, keeps current patients active and encourages them to act as ambassadors for your practice.


5 Key Benefits of Relevant Content Marketing

  1. Content Marketing strengthens your brand

By sharing your messages in a specific manner which is a reflection of your practice and the services you provide among various channels, you become associated with these messages.

2.  An increased brand boosts your reputation and encourages more referrals.

Patients engaged to you and your practice act as referrals with their friends and family.  They share your messages with them which broadens your audience and confirms you as a thought leader.

3. Content marketing promotes you and your services

Providing engaging and relevant content draws traffic to your website.  The cost of content marketing is relatively lower which means that the return on investment (ROI) is much greater.

4. Doctors have their finger on the pulse of medicine.

Physicians know about the latest medical trends, changes and breaking news about conditions and treatments.  Keeping up to date makes you stand out above your colleagues and competition. Being an authority for this information leads to an eager audience, craving the messages that you have to give.

5.  Listening and Engagement creates desired content

By listening to the concerns of your patients voiced daily and reading about the problems that patients are struggling with online, you have a great source for the content that will provide solutions and provide the type of information that your patients want to engage with.  Making this information relevant to both your patients as well as prospective patients and the type of services that you provide allow you to create content that is engaging for your audience, making it a positive experience.

The best content follows the 3 E’s:

  • Educational
  • Engaging
  • Entertaining

If you would like to discover ways to get involved in content marketing, go to Amazon.com and get Content Copy Made Easy: How to Get more Clients and Increase Revenue


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